Major & Minor Requirements
The History Department encourages prospective majors to visit or write to:
Professor George <> Office Hours: M 1:15-2:30 (MLC804)
Professor Caglioti <> Office Hours: W 2:30-4:00 (MLC801)
Requirements for the Major
Students who are interested in majoring in History should consult a History professor or the Chair in their sophomore year to plan their academic programs. They may choose to focus their study of history on a region (such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, South Asia, U.S., transnational), period (such as ancient, medieval, early modern), or theme.
The History major consists of eleven courses: six in the area of concentration; the other five may be either within or without. Six of the eleven courses must be taken at Barnard or Columbia.
The eleven required courses should include:
- Three introductory lecture courses (at least one 1000-level course; the two others may be 1000- or 2000-level courses. Note that a Columbia global core course is listed at 2000 level but counts as a 1000-level course);
- Two seminars (3000- or 4000-level courses), one of which must be taken at Barnard or Columbia;
- At least one course (lecture or seminar) must demonstrate your temporal breadth. This usually means one course that covers themes and topics related to the pre-modern period (generally taken to mean the period before the nineteenth century);
- At least one course (lecture or seminar) must demonstrate a geographic range unless your area of concentration already does so. If your concentration is geography-based, this means a geographical area or region that is outside your field of study;
- The two-semester senior research seminar (HIST BC3391 Senior Research Seminar I and HIST BC3392 Senior Research Seminar II) are taken in sequence, beginning in the Fall and continuing into Spring of the senior year.
Majors may, with the approval of their advisers, include two non-history courses in their list of eleven if the subjects are closely related to their concentrations.
Forms for Majors
- Progress Report for Majors - In order to keep track of your requirements, you will go over this form with your advisor every semester.
- European Studies Form
- Major/Adviser Change Form
- Slate for Students (Other forms can be found here)
Requirements for the Minor
The minor in history requires five courses, four in an area of concentration and one outside the concentration. The five courses must include one seminar. At least three of the minimum five courses must be Barnard or Columbia courses. Students planning to minor in history should consult the department chair.